Color indicator : The color fills the background

2 votes

I am colorblind, and know that I am not alone.
Recognizing the color of a fine border is quite impossible for us.
Recognizing the color difference of a background is easy for us
This comes from the amount of light transmitted by the color itself. a fine border transmits just a little compared to a background.

So having the color indicator filling the background of the icons would help us a lot and this great feature would help us more.
For the moment being I can differentiate two colors if one would be dark and the other one bright.
Filling the background with the colors would help me to see a different color even if I do not recognize it.
Rare are the organizations/companies taking care about colorblindness, hope you will.
Thanks for reading me.

Under consideration Suggested by: Stéphane Upvoted: 19 Sep, '20